This will show a new eth'X ' in ifconfig. Now run the following command in the source folder after extracting the source.Ģ) sudo cp qf9700.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/usbĥ) insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/usb/qf9700.ko Original source-code: Modified: I have edited the source - code and got it compiled for my system Ubuntu 14.04, kernel: 3.17.8-031708-generic Compiling from the source shows lots of error. Recent versions of these devices use 'qf9700' driver but the driver file doesn't support on recent kernel. Two LED’s monitor power and link activity. Previous version of Enter used 'dm9601' driver, hence device was pre- configured for Ubuntu systems. Providing Fast Ethernet connectivity over USB, the Plugable USB 2.0 to 10/100 Network Adapter has a compact external design and wide compatibility with its ASIX AX88772 chipset. EDIT: Ok, found the 7.99 USB->Ethernet adapter from DealExtreme and tested it - it works perfectly as well (and it alot cheaper). I had bought a USB 10/100 Ethernet Adapter Enter: E-100u with RD9700 Version of Chipset. I do have another cheaper USB->Ethernet adapter as well (from DealExtreme or something) - let me see if I can find it to test it as well.