In addition, we use in-depth interviews with PT BUPAS Top-Level Management and field observations to collect the data. Researchers conduct planning analysis using case studies. The research’s objective is to analyze the business feasibility study of a new point of exploration and the potential risks that occur to mitigate risks into opportunities as part of the project management planning stage. In 2018, BUPAS shifted its exploration position to new points (not far from the previous production point), requiring a proper business feasibility study. PT Bumi Pasir Sejahtera (BUPAS) is a company established in 2011 and an exploration sandstone business company located in Banjarnegara, Central Java.
This has resulted in very high demand for rock-type mining materials for excavated stone and river sand. Magister Manajemen Universitas Gadjah Madaįeasibility study, Project management, Project management planning AbstractĮconomic growth makes many parties who need various construction and infrastructure projects.